Bristol Mountain
Updated 1/14/2025
Bristol is a gentle slope slotted launch with ridge and thermal soaring.
Flying Conditions
Bristol is flyable in SW–WNW. Ideal soaring conditions are WSW–W. (225-270 degrees)
Flying is not recommended with maximum wind speed over 12 mph or gusts above 6 mph. Strong rotor and turbulence can be created in the narrow valley due to airflow over the ski area ridge opposite from launch.
Pilots should fly across the valley to the Landing Zone (LZ) side soon after sinking below launch level.
Pilot Requirements
Pilots must be current USHPA members as well as current RAF Chapter members.
Bristol requires current intermediate rating (H3/P3). Novice (H2/P2) rated pilots require direct supervision by a H3/P3 or higher pilot familiar with the site.
All pilots new to the site must receive a site briefing prior to flying. Contact the Site Coordinator listed below to request a site briefing.
Any pilot wishing to fly this site must be familiar with all site rules, or be in company and supervised by someone who is.
No mini-wings allowed.
Fly within the USHPA recommended operating limitations for your rating as specified in the USHPA Pilot Proficiency System.
Site Weather Info
Site Webcam
Bristol Ski Resort (across the valley)
Wind Strength (MPH) for Site
Minimum | Ideal | Max | Gust |
0 | 6 | 12 | 6 |
Launch Wind Direction (Degrees)
Left | Right | |
Ideal | 250 | 225 |
Ok | 270 | 290 |
N42 44'47.9 W77 24'08.2
1900 MSL
West facing gentle-slope slotted launch. There are trees on both sides and below the launch slot.
Wind conditions can turn katabatic in the late afternoon early evening hours during Summer month
Nearest town is South Bristol, NY.
Launch is located on Stid Hill across from Bristol Mountain Ski Area. Turn Left onto Stid Hill Rd from Rt 64 about 1.5 miles south of the ski area. Launch access road is 2 miles up Stid Hill past the Bills Road intersection.
Access road is at 5580 Stid Hill Rd. If the rope is across the driveway, please replace it when you leave.
Please drive slowly! Car pool to launch to avoid congestion at the launch site parking.
¼ mile walk to launch on trail is sometimes rocky and muddy. Emergency vehicles may not be able to drive all the way up the dirt access road.
Setup allows approximately 4 hang gliders to be set up at any one time.
This site is closed occasionally during hunting season in November and December. Consult club calendar for more information,
Landing Zone
Glide to the LZ
Minimum Glide Ratio | Launch Alt (Ft MSL) | LZ Alt (Ft MSL) | Distance To Launch |
2.9 | 1920' MSL | 1000’ MSL | 0.5 miles |
The LZ is about ½ mile from launch and requires a minimum 2.9/1 glide ratio.
1000 MSL
Wind in the valley is usually N/S. LZ can be very turbulent and change directions quickly during mid-day.
Primary landing zone is in ski area outer parking lot adjacent to Rt. 64. This is a 2 acre lot + adjacent fields next to ski area parking lot.
LZ has trees on west side. Be aware of the rotor associated with them relative to your approach and touch down area.
East side of LZ has a major road and power lines running full length. There is a row of 3 foot 4X4 wooden posts along the entrance road to the parking lot and a Lark Oak tree near the south end. However, the LZ is large and provides lots of room to set up and land. Be safe and avoid trying to land too close to the parking lot in order to avoid carrying your glider an extra 100 yards!
Horse pasture with difficult to see electric fence immediately south of LZ.
Dogs must be on a leash and are not permitted during launch and landing operations. Make sure that any spectators, guests, and any other non-flying persons (including pets on leash!) stay clear of launch and landing areas and do not get in the way. Make them aware of any dangers to themselves and pilots
Emergency Plan
In the event of an emergency call 911 and provide GPS or street location nearest.
Access to launch by emergency responders is either by foot or ATV.
Nearest town is South Bristol, NY.
For more information, site introductions and verifying that this site is open contact the Site Coordinator:
Tim DuBois
Bristol Landing Zone - click for directions on Google Maps