

Updated 1/13/2025

Dansville is a shallow slope launch with ridge and thermal soaring.

Flying Conditions

  • Site is flyable in SSW-SE wind. Ideal conditions are SW.

  • Ideal wind speed 8-12 mph with maximum gusts of 5 mph. Minimum recommended is 5 mph. Maximum is 16 mph due to potential turbulence created by vertical rock face below launch slot.

  • Fly within the USHPA recommended operating limitations for your rating as specified in the USHPA Pilot Proficiency System.


  • Launch GPS Coordinates: 42.5646N, -77.6760W

  • 1524’ MSL

  • New pilots to the site must be given a site briefing by an RAF member experienced with the site, to include discussions of shallow slope launch techniques, current and anticipated wind conditions and considerations.

  • Strong flat slope launch skills are required. 5 mph minimum wind recommended to ensure clearing trees at bottom of slot. Do not make any turns until you are clear of the trees at the bottom of the launch slot.

  • Access to launch is via the landowners’ driveway. Drive slowly, stay on pavement until reaching the turn-around on left before the residence. If ground is not soft and won’t be disturbed, drive from turn-around across grass to parking area near woods. Leave sufficient passage for emergency vehicles or landowner vehicles.

  • The area above the launch contains chairs, campfire pit, and a picnic table. These belong to and are used by the landowner. They are not intended for use by pilots or visitors. While the landowners are generous and friendly, remember we are guests and must behave as such.

  • Do not leave belongings, trash, bottles, etc. behind. If you see trash please pick it up.

  • Setup gliders to right of launch in treed area. Tie down glider if not attended (there are no permanent tie downs present).

Landing Zone

  • Primary LZ Location 42.5590N, -77.6834W

  • 772’ MSL

  • The primary LZ is 0.5 miles from launch and requires a minimum glide ratio of 3.4/1.

  • Walk through of LZ should address approach possibilities. Erection of a temporary wind indicator is recommended.

  • Do not park in tenant assigned spots at LZ (apartment complex).

  • Immediately after landing, leave the LZ so others can land too. Break down your glider in the Break-Down Area, safely away from any flying activity

Pilot Requirements

  • Pilots must be current USHPA members as well as current RAF Chapter members.

  • Requires current intermediate rating (H3/P3). Novice rated pilots require direct supervision by a H3/P3 or higher pilot familiar with the site.

  • Strong flat slope launch technique required.

  • All pilots new to the site must receive a site briefing prior to flying. Contact the Site Coordinator listed below to request a site briefing.

  • Walk through of LZ should address approach possibilities Erection of a temporary wind indicator is recommended.

  • No mini-wings allowed.


  • Dogs must be on a leash and are not permitted during launch and landing operations. Make sure that any spectators, guests, and any other non-flying persons (including pets on leash!) stay clear of launch and landing areas and do not get in the way. Make them aware of any dangers to themselves and pilots

Emergency Plan

  • In an emergency situation – suspend all flight activities, dial 911 if appropriate, and administer first aid as appropriate to your training and experience.


Dansville Landing Zone - click for directions on Google Maps

For more information and site introductions contact the Site Coordinator.

Chris Toomey ctoomey68@yahoo.com 585-314-8640